Genre: Comedy / Mockumentary / Romantic Drama / Drama
Outline/Premise: Set in a Garden Centre in the small town of Cinton, just outside of Leicester, The Centre shows the lives of the people who work there, how they interact with each other and the how they all cope with the possible impending closure of this small family run garden centre that is possibly being bought up by the big chain garden and wholesale firm of Goose 'N Garden.
Can the owner fight off the big cat soulless corportation? Will any of the workers who want to escape their small town lives ever do so? Will the small town's community survive the closing of the friendly garden centre town? How does a small town with a fairly old population deal with change, not just economic but the loss potential of a ramshackle friendly Covid-surveying business with a generic 'out of town' retail shop with a distantly ruthless American business model?
In the Centre, we delve into the characters that make a beloved business a hub of community life, thier relationships with each other and the rest of the small town's community; we see the life of those that have settled, are happy to settle vs those that need to move out of a small town but then deprive that town of that energy, how corporate business destroys beloved businesses but may bring more economic stability to a marginalised area.
A quirky, funny, dark-comedy drama TV mockumentory looking at a neglected corner of contemporary small town life.
Pilot screenplay episode available on request to Production companies, click here to contact