Will And Anne
Part One and Two
Will and Anne Part One and Two is a two part romantic drama about the young Will Shakespeare and his wife Anne, and how Will was compelled to write his plays and why he fled
Plot Summary
Part One
A young Will Shakespeare takes a short break back home, to spend time with his wife Anne, to get a bit of writing done. Life at home is however never easy, not only with his own family, but Anne is being pressured by WIll's best friend - Hamnet Sadler - into telling Will a devastating truth that may rupture Anne and Will's marriage and love for good; however, can Anne do this when Will refuses to see his own parental responsibilities and also the shocking truth about his own son? With pressure for Will to choose his path and face up to his life alongside threats to their own marriage from each of their past loves, a possible wolf, Will and Anne search for their love amid their family and friends for an answer.
Part Two
Will has finally decided on what to do with his future, but now finds himself in situations which will tear at the very fabric of his marriage and propel him into being the most famous playwright of all time.